12 Common Things That Fail A Home Inspection


Carey Chesney

Dec 29, 2023

8-minute read


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So, you’ve finally found a buyer for your home and the excitement of a big payday at closing is adding a spring to your step. Exciting times!

They’re surely tempered though, as your real estate agent has likely explained that accepting an offer doesn't represent the finish line. A few key hurdles need to be addressed first, and the home inspection is a big one. Understanding how it works and what possible pitfalls might arise can go a long way in making sure once you accept that offer, the closing table isn't too far out of reach.

How Does A Home Inspection Work?

A home inspection requires a third-party home inspector to come out to the home and provide a professional assessment of various features, including the roof, heating system, foundation, electrical and plumbing systems and other interior and exterior structures. They’ll check to make sure systems and appliances work correctly, examine areas for damage and check for potential issues and safety hazards.

They may take pictures, write down notes and use special equipment to help them detect things like moisture, electrical issues or poisonous materials. They’ll fill out a report that details what they find and determines whether the property passed or failed the home inspection.

A home inspection is often necessary in a real estate transaction because it helps both the buyer and lender ensure they’re making a good investment. It also ensures the home is safe to live in. Typically, a contingent offer will require a home inspection to be done before a sale can happen because, if the inspection report shows any major problems, the buyer can back out of the real estate deal.

12 Common Home Inspection Fails

These are the 12 most common things that fail a home inspection. Some may surprise you:

1. Foundation Problems

Foundation issues can affect a home’s value and safety. At best, they can allow moisture and pests into the home and cause floors to warp. At worst, foundation problems can cause walls to collapse and put the stability of your home at risk. Either way, foundation repair can be extremely expensive, costing thousands of dollars, which is one of the reasons they can affect a home’s value.

What to look for:

  • Cracks on the exterior walls of the home
  • Leaning or tilting chimney
  • Sagging or uneven floors
  • Cabinets separating from the wall
  • Windows and doors that don’t open or shut properly
  • Cracks in interior walls and ceilings
  • Bowing walls

2. Roofing Issues

Along with the foundation, the roof is a major part of the home and is one of the costlier repairs you’ll have to make. It also protects homeowners and the interior of the home from the elements. Inspectors often check to see if the roofing materials are in good shape, need repair or have water damage.

What to look for:

  • Damage to the shingles
  • Missing shingles
  • Missing flashing
  • Signs of water damage on the roof and in the attic
  • Decay
  • Signs of sagging or weak spots

3. Plumbing Or Pipe Problems

Another major part of the home – and one that is expensive to repair – is your plumbing system. Pipe problems can cause water damage, cause your bill to increase and ruin your stuff. You’ll need to inspect your pipes for signs of trouble. Of course, some pipes reside behind the walls, which makes it harder to detect leaks, so you’ll have to get creative.

What to look for:

  • Visible leaks coming from exposed pipes
  • Signs of water, including stains and mildew
  • Sounds of running water or dripping
  • Low water pressure
  • A rise in your water bills, but not in your usage

4. Electrical Issues

Electrical issues can be a safety hazard and cause house fires and, thus, are taken seriously. Faulty wiring, outdated systems and multiple wires using a single breaker are just a few electrical-related things that fail a home inspection.

What to look for:

  • Faulty, damaged or exposed wiring
  • Outdated or damaged electrical panel
  • Overloaded breakers
  • Switches or outlets that don’t work

5. Building Code Violations

It may not feel like it, but building codes are typically in place to benefit current and future homeowners, and they’ll vary from one location to the next. If something in your home violates your city’s building codes, or lacks the necessary permit, it can be a major home inspection issue and safety concern. Not all violations will fail the inspection. In fact, many houses will have several violations and pass just fine. It’s best to review your city’s specific building codes and talk to your real estate agent.

What to look for:

  • Permits for any additions or other projects done on the home
  • Violations based on your specific city’s codes and ordinances

6. HVAC Problems

Certain HVAC issues can fail a home inspection due to a matter of safety. Your inspector will want to know your system is working properly, has proper ventilation and isn’t leaking carbon monoxide, refrigerant or any other harmful toxins.

What to look for:

  • Refrigerant leaks
  • Cracks in ductwork
  • Loose electrical connections
  • Squeaks, noises or bangs coming from your unit
  • The smell of gas
  • The presence of carbon monoxide (using a detector)

7. Mold

The discovery of mold can cause you to fail a home inspection because it often indicates a bigger problem – water. It also spreads and can be a health hazard for those that live in the house.

What to look for:

  • Standing water
  • Musty smells
  • Actual, physical mold

8. Termites And Other Pests

There’s a reason they call them pests. Termites, carpenter ants, rodents and other pests can be another reason a home inspection fails. Pests can make your living environment unsafe and also threaten the structural integrity of a home. Things like termite damage and signs of other pests can deter home buyers, so you’ll want to watch for these signs of infestations.

What to look for:

  • Rodent droppings
  • Scratching and rustling noises
  • Nest materials
  • Holes or gnaw marks in your wood
  • Swarming
  • Buckling wood
  • Swollen floors or ceilings
  • Visible tunnels in your wood
  • Mold or mildew smells

9. Windows And Doors Issues

Warped or broken windows and doors can hurt your home inspection because they are a safety and security issue. They can also be a sign of more serious issues, like foundation problems.

What to look for:

  • Difficulty opening or shutting doors and windows
  • Broken or malfunctioning locks
  • Large, uneven spacing at top of closed doors
  • Broken windows
  • Windows letting in outside air or water

10. Toxic Materials

Old homes were often built with materials that are now determined to be toxic, including asbestos and lead paint. Other times, toxic materials like carbon monoxide and radon can be leaked into the home through faulty appliances or cracks in the foundation. Toxic materials are harmful to those residing in the home and, often, must be removed before the home can pass inspection.

What to look for:

  • Presence of radon or carbon monoxide (using a test kit or detector)
  • Certain types of tiles, textured paints and insulation (asbestos in certain objects is not considered dangerous if it’s not disturbed or damaged)

11. Structural Issues

There are other structural issues besides the foundation, and they can be just as costly to repair. Structural issues are a safety concern and a big turnoff to potential home buyers. If you notice structural issues in your home or think you may have some, it may be a good idea to consult a structural engineer.

What to look for:

  • Sagging floors, rafters or roof
  • Sloping floor
  • Cracks in exterior brick or mortar
  • Wood rot
  • Cracks on walls or around windows and door frames
  • Damp subfloors

12. Drainage Problems

Water can wreak havoc on a home. If your home has drainage problems and you’re not diverting water from the home, you’re inviting major problems.

What to look for:

  • Overflowing gutters
  • Flooding in your yard
  • Water pooling near the home
  • Water leaking into the basement
  • Musty smells
  • Mold and mildew
  • Efflorescence on your basement walls

Failed Home Inspection FAQs

The prospect of a failed home inspection can raise questions and concerns. Check out our home inspection FAQs below.

How can you prevent common home inspection issues?

While you can order a professional inspection, it does cost a few hundred dollars, so consider doing your own first. To look for major home inspection issues, check the following areas of the home:

  • Any exposed pipes
  • Basement walls, corners and the place where the floor meets the wall
  • The attic
  • The heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) unit
  • The roof and chimney
  • Windows and doors
  • The outdoor perimeter of the home

What do you do if your home fails an inspection?

Once the home inspector completes the home inspection, they’ll write up a report, listing any issues and safety risks. If the home inspection fails or there are more issues listed than the potential buyer is comfortable with, the buyers may back out of the sale. If they wish to continue with the sale, they may require you to fix some or all of the issues and foot the bill, or they may negotiate the sale price down to cover the costs to fix the issues after they purchase the home.

If the buyers walk away or require you to address any problems the inspector finds, you may need to consider bringing in other professionals.

Do you have to fix every problem found during a home inspection?

You run the risk of the buyers walking away from the deal if you don’t fix every problem found during a home inspection. If you feel the buyer’s demands are well thought out, legitimate and reasonable, you should probably lean toward addressing them.

If you feel they are being unreasonable and asking for things that are trivial or fully disclosed in the listing, you may lean toward pushing back on all or some of the requests. Keep in mind that if you have backup offers on your home, that gives you leverage during inspection negotiations. If your current buyers walk away, you have some new ones waiting in the wings.

Is it possible to sell a house that fails a home inspection?

While it is possible to sell a house that fails inspection, failed inspections often mean a lower sale price. To get the true value of your home and the best possible offer, it’s important to take any failed inspections to heart and make the necessary repairs or improvements to your home.

The Bottom Line: Prevent Home Inspection Fails Before They Happen

A home inspection is an important part of the home buying process and could cause a deal to fall through. To help prevent the shock and stress of a failed house inspection, try to do your own inspection ahead of time or hire a professional to do it for you.

If any problems are found, it might be wise to get them fixed before the potential buyer has an inspection completed on the home. Make sure you have a good understanding of the nature of the issues and your leverage as a seller when inspection negotiations begin. For help selling your house, connect with a Rocket Homes℠ agent today.

Portrait of Carey Chesney.

Carey Chesney

Carey Chesney is a Realtor® and freelance writer that brings a wealth of experience as a former Marketing Executive in the fields of Health Care, Finance and Wellness. Carey received his Bachelor's in English at University of Wisconsin-Madison and his Masters in Integrated Marketing & Communications at Eastern Michigan University.

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