This charming coastal condo boasts West Bay water views from your open concept kitchen/dining/living room window and primary bedroom. This beautifully renovated unit comes turnkey--fully furnished, kitchenware and framed artwork. Primary bedroom has a separate ensuite bathroom. Steps from public beach access (that is mostly used only by condo residents). Luxury vinyl plank flooring, modern penny tile and butcher block make for beautiful interior touches. In unit washer/dryer, dishwasher and door keypad make for convenient living. Covered front porch hosts sizable comfy sectional overlooking Grand Traverse West Bay with a clear view of the iconic Park Place Hotel. This condo has future proofed views of the water--major bonus! Designated carport (plus ample guest parking) and shed space, perfect for storing stand up paddle boards, kayaks, beach chairs, bikes and cross country skis. Access to TART trail by foot, bike or skis without ever having to hop in the car. The TART conveniently located right next to TART can take you to downtown Traverse City and Leelanau County restaurants, farmers markets, shopping and more. Directly on the other side of the TART is Fulton Park where you can escape to 13-acres of natural beauty and peace. Enjoy the best of Cherry Festival without having to worry about parking or crowds--your front lawn is the perfect place to view the air show and fireworks or listen to the evening concerts across the water. Low-maintenance living. No worrying about lawn care, snow removal, cleaning outdoor windows, etc. This efficient condo layout is nestled in a quiet complex with friendly and helpful neighbors. Close to downtown TC without the city taxes. Get ready to enjoy northern Michigan and the year-round playground it is!
Calculate your estimated monthly expenses for this listing. Play with the values below to better understand your monthly payment and utilities.
Per Month
Principal & Interest
Home PriceThe dollar amount you pay for the home.
Interest RateMortgage interest rates fluctuate, but they're typically in the 5% to 9% range. Your rate will be calculated based on personal details including your credit score.
Down PaymentThe initial money paid at closing that is usually a percentage of the purchase price. Most loans require at least 3% down, but a 0% down payment may be possible if you're eligible for a VA or USDA loan.
Loan TermThis is how long you'll pay on the loan. A longer term gives you smaller payments, while a shorter term saves you money on interest.
Property Taxes
Property Taxes -Annual CostEvery homeowner pays taxes to their local government based on their home's value and the property tax rates for the county or city. Most areas charge property taxes semiannually.
$/ Year
Mortgage Insurance
Mortgage Insurance -Monthly PremiumMortgage insurance helps secure a mortgage with a lower down payment. It typically costs 0.1% - 2% of your loan amount per year.
$/ Month
Homeowners Insurance
Homeowners Insurance -Monthly PremiumMost homeowners pay about $1,000 a year for homeowners insurance, but the cost varies based on your location, home and coverage.
$/ Month
Homeowners Association (HOA)
Homeowners Association -Monthly FeesHomeowners Association (HOA) fees can range from $30 per month to $500+ per month. Be sure to ask your agent about HOA fees on a home as it can impact your affordability or check the online home listing.
$/ Month
Utilities - Monthly CostYou'll need to budget for utilities as a homeowner, which typically includes water and sewer, gas and electric, internet and cable. Cost will depend on your location and the size of your home. On a monthly basis, Americans pay $239 - $442 per month.
$/ Month
Recommended Financing
30-Year Fixed
7.5% / 6.68%
Total Monthly Payment
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Schools Nearby
The school rating is a score out of 10, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest. Assigned schools have a bold outline.
We're sorry, we currently don't have assigned school data for this listing.
Nearby Schools
Willow Hill Elementary School
1250 Hill St
Distance between this listing and this school0.50 miles
Public District Grades PK-5
Central Grade Elementary School
301 7th St
Distance between this listing and this school1.43 miles
Public District Grades PK-5
Traverse Heights Elementary School
933 Rose St
Distance between this listing and this school2.79 miles
Public District Grades PK-5
Nearby Schools
Tcaps Montessori School
1009 S Oak St
Distance between this listing and this school1.42 miles
Public District Grades PK-7
Traverse City West Middle School
3950 Silver Lake Rd
Distance between this listing and this school2.54 miles
Public District Grades 6-8
Traverse City East Middle School
1776 3 Mile Rd N
Distance between this listing and this school6.34 miles
Public District Grades 6-8
Nearby Schools
The Greenspire School
1026 Red Dr
Distance between this listing and this school1.81 miles
Public Charter Grades 6-12
Central High School
1150 Milliken Dr
Distance between this listing and this school2.63 miles
Public District Grades 9-12
West Senior High School
5376 N Long Lake Rd
Distance between this listing and this school3.07 miles
The neighbors living near this home have an average income of $70,033. The majority of Traverse City, MI residents have income between $35k-100k annually. The most common type of family is married, no kids. The majority of residents in this area have post secondary degree education.
All data provided by Home Junction and Claritas
Frequently Asked Questions About 13766 S W Bay Shore Dr Unit 204
What is the listing price of this property?
The listing price of 13766 S W Bay Shore Dr Unit 204 property is $369,500.
What type of property is this?
The property 13766 S W Bay Shore Dr Unit 204 is a condo located in Traverse City, Michigan, 49684.
Is this property for sale now?
Active Listing: 13766 S W Bay Shore Dr Unit 204 is For Sale (Active/New) which means the seller is accepting offers.
What is the annual property tax for this property?
According to the records, the last property tax for 2021 is $3,079 (source: MLS/based on county public records data).
How many bedrooms and bathrooms does this property have?
The property at 13766 S W Bay Shore Dr Unit 204 has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
What is the square footage of this property?
The property 13766 S W Bay Shore Dr Unit 204 is 862 SqFt (source: MLS/tax record).
Which year was this property built?
The year of construction for 13766 S W Bay Shore Dr Unit 204 is 1994.
This home is located at 13766 S W Bay Shore Dr Unit 204 in Traverse City, MI and zip code 49684. This 862 square foot home was built in 1994. Features: 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. It has been listed on Rocket Homes since November 27, 2024 and is currently priced at $369,500.
In November 2024, from all listings sold in Traverse City, MI there were more than 8 sold above asking price, over 54 sold below and more than 20 were sold right at the asked price. The number of listings in Traverse City, MI decreased by 8.3% between October 2024 and November 2024. While the average time on the market in November 2024 was 84 days, the median list price was $450,000.
From Rocket Homes Real Estate and based on county public records data.