Attention Investors & Landlords. Estate Auction. 8 Investment Homes, 3 Vacant Lots, Buy One or Buy Them All. Canton City Properties, Stark Co., OH. All sells to settle the Eddie Hmeidan Estate, Stark Co. Probate Case #247777 on location: (off-site auction location) Presbyterian Church Hall, 3014 Fulton Dr. NW, Canton, OH 44718. ONLINE BIDDING BEGINS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2024 – 9:00 AM and AUCTION LIVE ON-SITE BIDDING WILL BEGIN TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2024, 12:30 PM. Call the auctioneer or check out our website for more information. Auction #1: 2324 Mahoning Rd. NE, Canton, OH 44705. Two-story home. Auction #2: 207 Carrolldale Ave. NE, Canton, OH 44704. Mobile home w/lot. Auction #3: 1003 Sherlock Place NE, Canton, OH 44714. Bungalow home. Auction #4: 1456 Struble Ave. NE, Canton, OH 44705. 3-bedroom home. Auction #5: 1421 Plain Ave. NE, Canton, OH 44714. Two-story home. Auction #6: 1607 Olive Place NE, Canton, OH 44705. Vacant lot. Auction #7: 732 Marion Ave. SW, Canton, OH 44707. Two-story home. Auction #8: 1136 Smith Ave. SW, Canton, OH 44706. Two-story home. Auction #9: 508 Melchoir Place SW, Canton, OH 44707. Vacant lot. Auction #10: 201 15th St. SE, Canton, OH 44707. Two-story home. Auction #11: Deberg St. NW, Canton, OH 44707. Vacant lot.