Beautiful energy-efficient home located in Phoenix! This fenced property offers mature trees, a sided carport space, a 1-car garage, and RV gate/parking. Enter to discover tile flooring in the right places, an ample living room, a soothing palette, and 3 sizable bedrooms. Kitchen was recently remodeled, white cabinetry with quartz countertops. In the main bedroom, you'll find a fabulous ensuite for extra privacy & added comfort. A peaceful backyard offers a covered patio, grassy areas, and a storage shed. Let's not forget the solar panels that will sure save you money! Premium location close to restaurants, easy access to I-10.
Calculate your estimated monthly expenses for this listing. Play with the values below to better understand your monthly payment and utilities.
Per Month
Principal & Interest
Home PriceThe dollar amount you pay for the home.
Interest RateMortgage interest rates fluctuate, but they're typically in the 5% to 9% range. Your rate will be calculated based on personal details including your credit score.
Down PaymentThe initial money paid at closing that is usually a percentage of the purchase price. Most loans require at least 3% down, but a 0% down payment may be possible if you're eligible for a VA or USDA loan.
Loan TermThis is how long you'll pay on the loan. A longer term gives you smaller payments, while a shorter term saves you money on interest.
Property Taxes
Property Taxes -Annual CostEvery homeowner pays taxes to their local government based on their home's value and the property tax rates for the county or city. Most areas charge property taxes semiannually.
$/ Year
Mortgage Insurance
Mortgage Insurance -Monthly PremiumMortgage insurance helps secure a mortgage with a lower down payment. It typically costs 0.1% - 2% of your loan amount per year.
$/ Month
Homeowners Insurance
Homeowners Insurance -Monthly PremiumMost homeowners pay about $1,000 a year for homeowners insurance, but the cost varies based on your location, home and coverage.
$/ Month
Homeowners Association (HOA)
Homeowners Association -Monthly FeesHomeowners Association (HOA) fees can range from $30 per month to $500+ per month. Be sure to ask your agent about HOA fees on a home as it can impact your affordability or check the online home listing.
$/ Month
Utilities - Monthly CostYou'll need to budget for utilities as a homeowner, which typically includes water and sewer, gas and electric, internet and cable. Cost will depend on your location and the size of your home. On a monthly basis, Americans pay $239 - $442 per month.
$/ Month
Recommended Financing
30-Year Fixed
7.5% / 6.68%
Total Monthly Payment
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Schools Nearby
The school rating is a score out of 10, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest. Assigned schools have a bold outline.
We're sorry, we currently don't have assigned school data for this listing.
Nearby Schools
Sunset School
6602 W Osborn Rd
Distance between this listing and this school0.59 miles
Public District Grades KG-6
Pioneer Preparatory - a Challenge Foundation
6629 W Clarendon Ave
Distance between this listing and this school0.76 miles
Public Charter Grades KG-6
G. Frank Davidson
6935 W Osborn Rd
Distance between this listing and this school1.03 miles
Public District Grades KG-6
Nearby Schools
Cartwright School
2825 N 59th Ave
Distance between this listing and this school0.49 miles
Public District Grades KG-8
Palm Lane
2043 N 64th Dr
Distance between this listing and this school0.86 miles
Public District Grades PK-8
Frank Borman School
3637 N 55th Ave
Distance between this listing and this school1.08 miles
Public District Grades PK-8
Nearby Schools
Maryvale High School
3415 N 59th Ave
Distance between this listing and this school0.64 miles
Public District Grades 9-12
Western School of Science and Technology
6515 W Indian School Rd
Distance between this listing and this school0.87 miles
Public Charter Grades 7-12
Westland School
4141 N 67th Ave
Distance between this listing and this school1.11 miles
The neighbors living near this home have an average income of $57,000. The majority of Phoenix, AZ residents have income between $35k-100k annually. Typical family type is married, with kids. Typical level of education for residents in this area is high school diploma.
All data provided by Home Junction and Claritas
Frequently Asked Questions About 6182 W Earll Dr
What is the listing price of this property?
The listing price of 6182 W Earll Dr property is $350,000.
What type of property is this?
The property 6182 W Earll Dr is a house located in Phoenix, Arizona, 85033.
Is this property for sale now?
Active Listing: 6182 W Earll Dr is For Sale (Active/New) which means the seller is accepting offers.
What is the annual property tax for this property?
According to the records, the last property tax for 2021 is $1,948 (source: MLS/based on county public records data).
When was this property sold last time and for how much?
The last sale was on July 3, 2000 for $89,700. (source: MLS/tax record).
How many bedrooms and bathrooms does this property have?
The property at 6182 W Earll Dr has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
What is the square footage of this property?
The property 6182 W Earll Dr is 1,815 SqFt (source: MLS/tax record).
Which year was this property built?
The year of construction for 6182 W Earll Dr is 1960.
This home is located at 6182 W Earll Dr in Phoenix, AZ and zip code 85033 in the Maryvale neighborhood. This 1,815 square foot home, which was built in 1960, sits on a 0.17 acre lot. Features: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. It has been listed on Rocket Homes since August 01, 2024 and is currently priced at $350,000.
While more than 201 listings in Phoenix, AZ in November 2024 were sold above asking price, there were more than 301 listings sold at asking price, and more than 636 were sold below. The number of listings in Phoenix, AZ decreased by 1.4% between October 2024 and November 2024. The median list price of listings available in November 2024 was $452,345, while the average time on the real estate market was 63 days.
From Rocket Homes Real Estate and based on county public records data.