A remarkable two-bedroom condo on the first floor in a gated community. Open floor plan. Fresh interior paint, upgraded kitchen with granite countertops, new sink, new range hood, & new kitchen faucet. Both bathrooms have also been upgraded with new tubs, granite countertops, new vanity, new cabinet, & new tile. Refrigerator, washer, & dryer are included. Swimming Pool within the community. Convenient location. Easy access to Hwy. 59 & Beltway 8. Close to the Galleria area, Texas Medical Center, & Downtown. Tenant Occupied. Investors are welcome. Current tenant paying $1200 per month.
This property is $34/SqFt less than other homes in Houston, TX.
Based on homes sold in the last 12 months
MLS Details
MLS Information:
MLS Number: #42081761
Listing Office:
Office Name: G+A Real Estate
Office Phone: (214) 872-0872
Listing Agent: Mohammad Khatri
Disclaimer: The MLS data is provided exclusively to Participants or Subscribers for display on their website solely for consumers’ personal, non-commercial use, that the MLS data may not be used for any purpose other than to display prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing or leasing. Information contained on the computer print-outs of the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) of the HOUSTON REALTORS® INFORMATION SERVICE (HRIS) is furnished by MLS Participants for dissemination to other MLS Participants, for their exclusive use, and should not be relied upon by Buyer/Tenant or any other person. There is no express or implied warranty by HRIS or MLS as to the accuracy of such information, which should be independently verified by Buyer/Tenant or such other person. MLS does not verify the information and disclaims any responsibility for its accuracy. Any estimate of value was prepared using automated processes and should not be considered a comparative market analysis (CMA) or appraisal. You may contact us to provide additional information and analysis for a more accurate estimate of the property's value. Digital images modified or enhanced to alter real property characteristics contain a visible and legible watermark across the bottom of the image “Image does not represent actual property as is”.
Last updated on: 12/21/2024, 9:20:50 AM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.
Property Sales & Tax
We're sorry, we currently don't have sales or tax history data for this listing.
Schools Nearby
The school rating is a score out of 10, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest. Assigned schools have a bold outline.
We're sorry, we currently don't have assigned school data for this listing.
Nearby Schools
Kipp Mosaic Primary School
6700 Bellaire Blvd
Distance between this listing and this school0.21 miles
Public Charter Grades KG-1
Kipp Connect Houston Primary School
6700 Bellaire Blvd
Distance between this listing and this school0.21 miles
Public Charter Grades PK-4
Baker-Ripley Charter School
6500 Rookin St Bldg A
Distance between this listing and this school0.22 miles
Public Charter Grades KG-6
Nearby Schools
Etoile Academy Charter School
6648 Hornwood Dr
Distance between this listing and this school0.12 miles
Public Charter Grades 5-7
Kipp Connect Middle School
6700 Bellaire Blvd
Distance between this listing and this school0.21 miles
Public Charter Grades 5-8
Kipp Mosaic Academy School
6700 Bellaire Blvd
Distance between this listing and this school0.21 miles
Public Charter Grades 5-6
Nearby Schools
Yes Preparatory - Gulfton
6565 De Moss Dr
Distance between this listing and this school0.09 miles
Public Charter Grades 6-12
Kipp Connect High School
6700 Bellaire Blvd
Distance between this listing and this school0.21 miles
Public Charter Grades 9-11
Empowerment High School
6400 Westpark Dr Ste 200
Distance between this listing and this school1.11 miles
The neighbors living near this home have an average income of $26,032. Typical income of Houston, TX residents is less than $35k annually. Residents typically live in single, no kids family. Typical level of education for residents in this area is high school diploma.
All data provided by Home Junction and Claritas
Frequently Asked Questions About 6606 De Moss Dr Unit 1801
What type of property is this?
The property 6606 De Moss Dr Unit 1801 is a condo located in Houston, Texas, 77074.
Is this property for sale now?
Sale Pending: 6606 De Moss Dr Unit 1801 is Sale Pending (Pending), which means that the seller has accepted an offer but the sale is not finalized.
How many bedrooms and bathrooms does this property have?
The property at 6606 De Moss Dr Unit 1801 has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
What is the square footage of this property?
The property 6606 De Moss Dr Unit 1801 is 1,092 SqFt (source: MLS/tax record).
Which year was this property built?
The year of construction for 6606 De Moss Dr Unit 1801 is 1981.
This home is located at 6606 De Moss Dr Unit 1801 in Houston, TX and zip code 77074 in the South Gessner neighborhood. This 1,092 square foot home was built in 1981. Features: 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. It has been listed on Rocket Homes since October 06, 2024.
Houston, TX housing market in November 2024 saw over 263 listings sold above listed price, more than 354 sold at listed price and over 1060 sold below. The number of listings in Houston, TX increased by 8.5% between October 2024 and November 2024. In November 2024, listings were on the market for 40 days. During the same period, the median list price in this real estate market was $319,921.
From Rocket Homes Real Estate and based on county public records data.